Money Coach

Your Support Can Change Lives

When teens have support from a financial mentor, our entire community becomes smarter and stronger. Too often, students enter adulthood without slid money management skills or guidance.

Money Coach is a one-of-a-kind financial mentoring program that connects at-risk teens with volunteer “coaches” from the  business community.

Your support of Money Coach will secure lessons, mentors and scholarships for Beloit teens through a new partnership with Hendricks CareerTek.

Make A Difference Wisconsin

How Money Coach Works for Beloit Teens

  • Two-to-three volunteer mentors meet monthly with students from Hendricks CareerTek
  • Students work one-on-one and in small groups on real-life financial lessons and activities
  • hendricks CareerTek gains advocates in the community from participation by Money Coach volunteers
  • Teens earn a scholarship toward college or a career
  • Students finish the program exited about and prepared for their financial futures
  • Smart financial choices are shared with family, friends and the community
Tabatha De Leon | Money Coach

Evan as you mentor students, I always feel like they give you back just as much.


I see my future differently now because of my Money Coaches. I know now that I’ll be successful.


Money Coach changed my life and the lives of those around me.

Money Coach

Immediate and Long-Term

Impact of Money Coach Graph

Your Support in Money Coach Leads to:

  • Brighter financial futures for dozens of at-risk teens in Beloit
  • Scholarships students can earn for college and career expenses
  • A dedicated, proven financial literacy partnership at Hendricks CareerTek
  • Local volunteer mentor recruitment and training
Make a Difference WI

Teens value your belief in financial empowerment. Find out how you can support Money Coach in Beloit:
Pat Rorabeck, Program Director

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